List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots

There have been many assassination attempts and plots on Presidents of the United States; there have been over 20 known attempts to kill sitting and former Presidents as well as Presidents-elect. Four attempts have resulted in sitting Presidents being killed: Abraham Lincoln (the 16th President), James A. Garfield (the 20th President), William McKinley (the 25th President) and John F. Kennedy (the 35th President). Two other Presidents were injured in attempted assassinations: former President Theodore Roosevelt, and then sitting President Ronald Reagan (the 40th President).

Although attempts have been made to prove that most American assassinations were politically motivated actions, carried out by rational men,[1] not all such assassinations and attempts have been undertaken for truly political reasons.[2] Some have been perpetrated by people of questionable mental stability, and a few were judged legally insane.[3][4] Since the successor to the presidency, the Vice President of the United States, has usually been, and now always is of the same political party as the President, the assassination of the President is unlikely to result in major policy changes. This may explain why political groups headed by rational leaders typically do not make such attacks.[5]


Successful assassinations

Abraham Lincoln

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln took place on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, at approximately 10:15 p.m. Lincoln was shot by an actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth while attending a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. with his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, and two guests. Soon after being shot, Lincoln's wound was declared to be mortal. Lincoln died the following day at 7:22 a.m.[6]

Booth was tracked down by Union soldiers and was shot and killed by Sergeant Boston Corbett on April 26, 1865. This is an example of a politically-motivated assassination, since Booth believed that killing Lincoln would radically change U.S. policy toward the South.

James A. Garfield

The assassination of James A. Garfield took place in Washington, D.C., at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 2, 1881, less than four months after Garfield took office. Charles J. Guiteau shot him with a .442 Webley British Bulldog revolver. Garfield died 11 weeks later, on Monday, September 19, 1881, at 10:35 p.m., due to complications caused by infections.

Guiteau was immediately arrested. He was tried and found guilty. He appealed, but his appeal was rejected, and he was hanged on June 30, 1882 in the District of Columbia, just two days before the first anniversary of the attempt. Guiteau was certainly mentally unbalanced and the shooting was committed because of Guiteau's belief that he deserved to be made ambassador to France because he believed Garfield's presidential victory was due to his action.

William McKinley

The assassination of William McKinley took place at 4:07 p.m. on Friday, September 6, 1901, at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York. McKinley, attending the Pan-American Exposition, was shot twice by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist. McKinley died eight days later, on September 14, 1901, at 2:15 a.m.

Members of the crowd immediately subdued Czolgosz after he shot McKinley. Afterwards, the 4th Brigade, National Guard Signal Corps, and police intervened and beat him so severely it was initially thought he might not live to stand trial. Czolgosz did survive and was convicted and sentenced to death on September 23. Czolgosz was electrocuted by three jolts, each of 1800 volts, in Auburn Prison on October 29, 1901. Czolgosz's actions were politically motivated, although it is unclear what outcome he believed the shooting would yield.

John F. Kennedy

The assassination of John F. Kennedy took place on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 p.m. CST (18:30 UTC). Kennedy was fatally wounded by a sniper's bullet while riding with his wife Jacqueline in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. Although Kennedy was not formally declared dead until half an hour after the shooting, he effectively died instantaneously. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested shortly after at the Texas Theater. At 11:21 a.m. Sunday, November 24, 1963, while he was handcuffed to Detective Jim Leavelle and as he was about to be taken to the Dallas County Jail, Oswald was shot and fatally wounded before live television cameras in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub operator who said that he had been distraught over the Kennedy assassination.

The ten-month investigation of the Warren Commission of 1963–1964 concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza. It remains unclear whether Oswald acted alone, and, even if he did, why he planned the assassination in the first place.

Failed assassination attempts

Andrew Jackson

January 30, 1835: Just outside the Capitol Building, a house painter named Richard Lawrence aimed two percussion pistols at the President, but both misfired, one while Lawrence stood within 13 feet (4 m) of Jackson, and the other at point-blank range. Lawrence was apprehended after Jackson beat him down with a cane. Lawrence was found not guilty by reason of insanity and confined to a mental institution until his death in 1861. Authorities determined that the percussion caps in Lawrence's pistols exploded creating, in each case, the sound of a blast but with each bullet failing to discharge from its gun barrel. When later tested by police, both pistols fired perfectly.[7]

Abraham Lincoln

February 23, 1861: The Baltimore Plot was an alleged conspiracy to assassinate President-elect Abraham Lincoln en route to his inauguration. Allan Pinkerton, eponymous founder of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, played a key role by managing Lincoln's security throughout the journey. Though scholars debate whether or not the threat was real, clearly Lincoln and his advisors believed that there was a threat and took actions to ensure his safe passage through Baltimore.

August 1864: As Lincoln was riding to the Soldiers' Home, a shot fired from the bushes caused his horse to bolt, and he lost his hat; when soldiers retrieved the hat, they found a bullet hole in it. The incident was hushed up, but Secretary of War Edwin Stanton augmented the heavy guard that accompanied the president.[8]

Theodore Roosevelt

October 13, 1912: Three and a half years after he left office, Roosevelt was running for President as a member of the Progressive party established in 1912 by Roosevelt and other political free thinkers, after he split from the Republican Party which he had served as a member of during his Presidency. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John F. Schrank, a saloon-keeper from New York, shot Roosevelt once with a .38 caliber revolver. A 50-page speech folded over twice in Roosevelt's breast pocket and a metal glasses case slowed the bullet. Amidst the commotion, Roosevelt yelled out, "Quiet! I've been shot." Roosevelt insisted on giving his speech with the bullet still lodged inside him. During his speech Roosevelt stated, "It takes more than one bullet to bring down a Bull Moose" thus further perpetuating Roosevelt's image as a larger than life President and the nickname of the Progressive Party, the Bull Moose Party established in June 1912 after Roosevelt responded to reporters questioning his health stating, "I am as strong as a Bull Moose". He later went to the hospital, but the bullet was never removed. Roosevelt, remembering that William McKinley died after operations to remove his bullet, chose to have his remain. The bullet remained in his body until his death in 1919. Schrank said that McKinley's ghost had told him to avenge his assassination. Schrank was found legally insane and was institutionalized until his death in 1943.[9]

Herbert Hoover

On November 19, 1928, President-elect Hoover embarked on a seven-week goodwill tour of several Latin American countries to explain his economic and trade policies to the other nations in the Western hemisphere. While in Argentina, he escaped an assassination attempt by Argentine anarchists led by Severino Di Giovanni, who attempted to blow up the railroad car in which he was traveling. The plotters had an itinerary of Hoover's rail journey, complete with dates and times of arrival, but the bomber was arrested before he could place the explosives on the rails. Hoover himself never mentioned the incident, and his complimentary remarks on Argentina were well-received in both the host country and in the press.[10]

Franklin D. Roosevelt

On February 15, 1933 in Miami, Florida, Giuseppe Zangara fired five shots at Roosevelt. The assassination attempt occurred less than three weeks before Roosevelt was sworn in for his first term in office. Although the President-elect was not hurt, four other people were wounded and Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was killed. Zangara was found guilty of murder and was executed March 20, 1933. It has been suggested but not proven that Cermak, not Roosevelt, was the intended target that day, as the mayor was a staunch foe of Al Capone's Chicago mob organization.[11][12]

Harry S. Truman

On November 1, 1950, two Puerto Rican pro-independence activists, Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola, attempted to kill Truman by trying to force their way into Blair House where Truman was staying while the nearby White House was undergoing renovation. A violent gun battle ensued between the assassins and the Secret Service, resulting in the death of White House Policeman Leslie Coffelt. Coffelt was able to kill Torresola before blacking out and soon dying. Collazo survived with serious injuries. Truman's life was in direct danger although he was not harmed. Collazo's death sentence was commuted to life in prison by Truman, and was further commuted to time served by President Jimmy Carter in 1979.[13]

John F. Kennedy

December 11, 1960: While vacationing in Palm Beach, Florida, President-elect John F. Kennedy's life was threatened by Richard Paul Pavlick, a 73-year-old former postal worker. Pavlick's plan was to serve as a suicide bomber by crashing his dynamite-laden 1950 Buick into Kennedy's vehicle, but the plan was disrupted when Pavlick saw Kennedy's wife and daughter bidding him goodbye.[14] That attack of conscience foiled the opportunity, with Pavlick's arrest by the Secret Service coming three days later after he was stopped for a driving violation, with the dynamite still in his car. Pavlick spent the next six years in both federal prison and mental institutions before being released in December 1966.

Richard Nixon

February 22, 1974: Samuel Byck apparently planned to kill Nixon by crashing a commercial airliner into the White House.[15] Once he had hijacked the plane on the ground, he was informed that it could not take off with the wheel blocks still in place. He shot the pilot and copilot, then was shot by an officer through the plane's door window before killing himself. The events surrounding this assassination attempt were depicted in the film The Assassination of Richard Nixon.

Gerald Ford

September 5, 1975: On the northern grounds of the California State Capitol, Lynette Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson, drew a Colt M1911 .45 caliber pistol on Ford when he reached to shake her hand in a crowd. There were four cartridges in the pistol's magazine but the firing chamber was empty. She was soon restrained by Secret Service agent Larry Buendorf. Fromme was sentenced to life in prison, but was released from custody on August 14, 2009, nearly 3 years after Ford's death.[16]

September 22, 1975: In San Francisco, California, Sara Jane Moore fired a revolver at Ford from 40 feet (12 m) away.[17] A bystander, Oliver Sipple, grabbed Moore's arm and the shot missed Ford.[18] Moore was sentenced to life in prison.[19] She was later paroled from a federal prison on Monday, December 31, 2007 (370 days after Ford's death) after serving more than 30 years.

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

On March 30, 1981, as he returned to his limousine following a speaking engagement at the Hilton Washington Hotel in Washington, D.C., Reagan and three others were shot and wounded by John Hinckley, Jr., who hoped to impress teen actress Jodie Foster. The others that were shot were White House Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy, and D.C. police officer Thomas Delahanty, all of whom survived, though Brady, the most seriously wounded, was permanently disabled. Reagan survived and recovered after emergency surgery at nearby George Washington University Hospital.

George H. W. Bush

April 13, 1993: Fourteen men believed to be in the employ of Saddam Hussein smuggled bombs into Kuwait with the intent of killing Bush as he spoke at Kuwait University.[20] Two of the suspects Wali Abdelhadi Ghazali and Raad Abdel-Amir al-Assadi retracted their confessions at the trial claiming that they were coerced. Amnesty and Human Rights Watch said at the time that there was credible evidence that confessions were beaten out of the suspects.[21] Raad Abdel-Amir al-Assadi,one of the suspects stated that he was asked by the Mukhabarat to place bombs outside shopping centers in Kuwait City.[21] The plot was foiled when Kuwaiti officials found the bomb and arrested the suspected assassins.[22] Bush had left office in January 1993. The Iraqi Intelligence Service, particularly Directorate 14, was proven to be behind the plot,.[23] The evidence relied on the confessions and the bombs, Seymour Hersh has cast doubts about the bomb evidence when 7 bomb experts noted that the bombs were mass produced and were probably not even produced in Iraq. Hersh called the US governments case "seriously flawed".[21]

Bill Clinton

September 12, 1994: Frank Eugene Corder flew a single-engine Cessna into the White House lawn, allegedly trying to hit the White House. The President and First Family were not home at the time, thus the actual motive behind the crash landing is inconclusive. Corder was the only casualty.[24]

October 29, 1994: Francisco Martin Duran fired at least 29 shots with a semi-automatic rifle at the White House from a fence overlooking the north lawn, thinking that Clinton was among the men in dark suits standing there (Clinton was inside the White House Residence watching a football game and was never in any danger during the incident). Three tourists, Harry Rakosky, Ken Davis and Robert Haines, tackled Duran before he could injure anyone. Duran was found to have a suicide note in his pocket and was sentenced to 40 years in prison.[25]

1996: During his visit to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Manila in 1996, he was saved shortly before his car was due to drive over a bridge where a bomb had been planted. Clinton was scheduled to visit a local politician in central Manila, when Secret Service officers intercepted a message suggesting that an attack was imminent. A transmission used the words "bridge" and "wedding", a terrorist's code words for assassination. Lewis Merletti, the director of the Secret Service, ordered that the motorcade be re-routed. An intelligence team later discovered that a bomb had been planted under the bridge. Subsequent U.S. investigation into the plot "revealed that it was masterminded by a Saudi terrorist living in Afghanistan named Osama bin Laden".[26]

George W. Bush

February 7, 2001: While President George W. Bush was in the White House Residence, in Washington, DC, Robert Pickett, standing outside the perimeter fence, discharged a number of shots from a weapon towards the White House. The U.S. Park Police stated, according to CNN correspondent Eileen O'Connor, that the type of handgun that was confiscated was of a sophisticated type and had the shooter not been shooting from an obstructed angle view, the bullets would have reached the White House. Following a stand-off of about ten minutes, the incident ended when a Secret Service officer shot Pickett, resulting in an injury which required immediate hospital surgery. Pickett was found to have emotional problems and employment grievances. Pickett had previously written letters to the President about these grievances. A court in July 2001 sentenced Pickett to three years imprisonment in connection with the incident.

September 11, 2001: On the morning of 9/11, President George W. Bush was at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, Florida.[27] He woke up around 6:00 AM and prepared for his morning jog.[28][29] A van occupied by men of Middle Eastern descent arrived at the Colony Beach Resort and claimed they had a "poolside" interview with the President. They did not have an appointment and were turned away.[30] It is possible this was an assassination attempt modeled on the one used on anti-Taliban fighter and Northern Alliance military leader Ahmed Massoud two days earlier. The previous April, Massoud addressed the European Parliament and warned of the possibility of al-Qaeda attacking in the West.[31][32] Longboat Key Fire Marshal Carroll Mooneyhan was reported to have overheard the conversation between the men and the Secret Service, but he later denied the report. The newspaper that reported this, the Longboat Observer, stands by its story.[33] Both Mooneyhan and the Observer reporter were questioned by the Secret Service, but the agency has not commented further.[33] Witnesses have recalled seeing 9/11 hijacker ringleader Mohamed Atta in the Longboat Key Holiday Inn a short distance from where Bush was staying as recently as September 7, the day Bush’s Sarasota appearance was publicly announced.[33][34]

May 10, 2005: While President George W. Bush was giving a speech in the Freedom Square in Tbilisi, Georgia, Vladimir Arutyunian threw a live Soviet-made RGD-5 hand grenade towards the podium where Bush was standing and where Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, the First Lady of the United States Laura Bush, the First Lady of Georgia Sandra Roelofs, and officials were seated. The grenade was live and had its pin pulled, but did not explode because a red tartan handkerchief wrapped tightly around the grenade kept the firing pin from deploying quickly enough.[35] Arutyunian was arrested in July 2005, and killed an Interior Ministry agent while resisting arrest. He was convicted in January 2006, and was given a life sentence.[36][37]

November 19, 2008: Asa Seeley was initially reported by multiple sources to have stated he was going to shoot President George W. Bush,[38] but this was later reported that he said that "he was going to Washington to shoot the people that shot him."[39] Seeley was arrested at West Baltimore train station carrying a rifle after having been refused transportation to Washington, D.C., by a taxi driver who saw that he was carrying a rifle. Seeley was charged with weapons offenses.[39]

Barack Obama

On November 11, 2011, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez shot as many as seven bullets at the White House, with two bullets hitting the White House, cracking a window. He was arrested in Pennsylvania and charged with the attempted assassination of President Barack Obama. Obama was never endangered because he was in Honolulu, Hawaii at the time for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.[40]

Presidential deaths rumored to be assassinations

Zachary Taylor

On July 4, 1850, President Zachary Taylor was diagnosed by his physicians with cholera morbus, a term that included diarrhea and dysentery but not true cholera. Cholera, typhoid fever, and food poisoning have all been indicated as the source of the president's ultimately fatal gastroenteritis. More specifically, a hasty snack of iced milk, cold cherries and pickled cucumbers (pickles) consumed at an Independence Day celebration might have been the culprit.[41] On July 9, Taylor was dead.

In the late 1980s, author Clara Rising theorized that Taylor was murdered by poison and was able to convince Taylor's closest living relative, as well as the Jefferson County, Kentucky Coroner, Dr. Richard Greathouse, to order an exhumation. On June 17, 1991 Taylor's remains were exhumed from the vault at the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, in Louisville, Kentucky. The remains were then transported to the Office of the Kentucky Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. George Nichols. Nichols, joined by Dr. William Maples, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, removed the top of the lead coffin liner to reveal remarkably well preserved human remains that were immediately recognizable as those of President Taylor. Radiological studies were conducted of the remains before small samples of hair, fingernail and other tissues were removed. Thomas Secoy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (and a direct descendant of Taylor's Democratic presidential opponent Lewis Cass), ensured that only those samples required for testing were removed and that the coffin was resealed. The remains were then returned to the cemetery and received appropriate honors at reinterment. The samples were sent to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where neutron activation analysis revealed traces of arsenic at levels less than one one-hundredth of the level expected in a death by poisoning.[42]

Warren G. Harding

In June 1923, President Warren G. Harding set out on a cross-country "Voyage of Understanding," planning to meet ordinary people and explain his policies. During this trip, he became the first president to visit Alaska.[43] Rumors of corruption in his administration were beginning to circulate in Washington by this time, and Harding was profoundly shocked by a long message he received while in Alaska, apparently detailing illegal activities previously unknown to him. At the end of July, while traveling south from Alaska through British Columbia, he developed what was thought to be a severe case of food poisoning. He gave the final speech of his life to a large crowd at the University of Washington Stadium (now Husky Stadium) at the University of Washington campus in Seattle, Washington. A scheduled speech in Portland, Oregon was canceled. The President's train proceeded south to San Francisco. Upon arriving at the Palace Hotel, he developed pneumonia. Harding died of either a heart attack or a stroke at 7:35 p.m. on August 2, 1923. The formal announcement, printed in the New York Times of that day, stated that "A stroke of apoplexy was the cause of death." He had been ill exactly one week.[44]

Naval physicians surmised that he had suffered a heart attack. The Hardings' personal medical advisor, homeopath and Surgeon General Charles E. Sawyer, disagreed with the diagnosis. Mrs. Harding refused permission for an autopsy which soon led to speculation that the President had been the victim of a plot, possibly carried out by his wife, as Harding apparently had been unfaithful to the First Lady. Gaston B. Means, an amateur historian and gadfly, noted in his book The Strange Death of President Harding (1930) that the circumstances surrounding his death lent themselves to some suspecting he had been poisoned. Several individuals attached to him, personally and politically, would have welcomed Harding's death, as they would have been disgraced in association by Means' assertion of Harding's "imminent impeachment." Although Means was later discredited for publicly accusing Mrs. Harding of the purported murder, enough doubts surround the President's death to keep reputable scholars open to the possibility of foul play.

See also


  1. ^ Clarke, J.W. (1982). American Assassins: The Darker Side of Politics. Princeton University Press. 
  2. ^ E.g., Assassinations, presidential. Accessed 2010.02.23.
  3. ^ E.g., Ben Dennison, The 6 Most Utterly Insane Attempts to Kill a US President. Oct 21, 2008. Accessed 2010.02.23.
  4. ^ TFN Insider, Praying for God to Kill the President. Texas Freedom Network. Accessed 2010.02.23.
  5. ^ Lawrence Zelic Freedman (Mar., 1983), The Politics of Insanity: Law, Crime, and Human Responsibility, 4, Political Psychology, pp. 171–178, JSTOR 3791182 
  6. ^
  7. ^ "Trying to Assassinate President Jackson". American Heritage. 2007-01-30. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  8. ^ Gienapp, William E (2002). Abraham Lincoln and Civil War America. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0195151008. 
  9. ^ "John Schrank". Classic Wisconsin. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  10. ^ "National Affairs: Hoover Progress". Time.,9171,929076,00.html. 
  11. ^ Tuohy, John William. When Capone Murdered Roger Touhy: The Strange Case of Touhy, "Jake the Barber" and the Kidnapping That Never Happened. Barricade Books. ISBN 978-1569801741. 
  12. ^ "Sam 'Momo' Giancana - Live and Die by the Sword". Crime Library. Archived from the original on 2007-02-08. Retrieved 2007-05-07. 
  13. ^ Hibbits, Bernard. "Presidential Pardons". Jurist: The Legal Education Network. University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Retrieved 16 December 2010. 
  14. ^ "Kennedy presidency almost ended before he was inaugurated". The Blade. 2003-11-21. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  15. ^ "9/11 report notes". 9/11 Commission. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  16. ^ "1975 : Ford assassination attempt thwarted". History Channel. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  17. ^ "1975 : President Ford survives second assassination attempt". History Channel. Retrieved 2007-05-08. 
  18. ^ "The Imperial Presidency 1972-1980". Retrieved 2007-05-08. 
  19. ^ "Ten O'Clock News broadcast". WGBH. 1976-01-15. Retrieved 2007-05-08. 
  20. ^ Von Drehle, David; Smith, R. Jeffrey (June 27, 1993), "U.S. Strikes Iraq for Plot to Kill Bush", The Washington Post,, retrieved February 14, 2011. 
  21. ^ a b c
  22. ^ "The Bush assassination attempt". Department of Justice/FBI Laboratory report. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  23. ^ Duelfer, Charles (2004-09-30). "IIS Undeclared Research on Poisons and Toxins for Assassination". Iraq Study Group Final Report. Retrieved 2008-01-21. 
  24. ^ Dowd, Maureen (1994-09-14). "Crash at the White House: The Overview". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-08-27. 
  25. ^ "Summary Statement of Facts (The September 12, 1994 Plane Crash and The October 29, 1994 Shooting) Background Information on the White House Security Review". Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  26. ^ Malanowski, Jamie (December 21, 2009). "Did Osama Try to Kill Bill Clinton?". True/Slant. Retrieved October 17, 2011. 
  27. ^ Bayles, Tom (10 September 2002). "The Day Before Everything Changed, President Bush Touched Locals' Lives". Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Retrieved 2011-03-30. 
  28. ^ Kevin Sack, "Saudi May Have Been Suspected in Error, Officials Say," New York Times, 16 September 2001
  29. ^ William Langley, "Revealed: What really went on during Bush's 'missing hours'," Daily Telegraph, 16 December 2001
  30. ^ Shay Sullivan, "Possible Longboat Terrorist Incident: Is it a clue or is it a coincidence?" Longboat Observer, 26 September 2001
  31. ^ Shadama Islam, "European MPs Back Masood," Dawn (Karachi), 7 April 2001
  32. ^ Michael Elliot, "They Had A Plan," Time, 4 August 2002
  33. ^ a b c Susan Taylor Martin, "Of fact, fiction: Bush on 9/11," St. Petersburg Times, 4 July 2004
  34. ^ Shay Sullivan, "Two hijackers on Longboat?" Longboat Observer, 21 November 2001
  35. ^ US FBI report into the attack and investigation.
  36. ^ "Bush grenade attacker gets life". CNN. 2006-01-11. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  37. ^ "The case of the failed hand grenade attack". FBI Press Room. 2006-01-11. Archived from the original on 2007-04-11. Retrieved 2007-05-06. 
  38. ^
  39. ^ a b
  40. ^ Savage, Charlie (November 17, 2011). "In Shooting at White House, Attempted Assassination Charge". The New York Times. Retrieved November 17, 2011. 
  41. ^ Magazine Publisher: Picture of the Day
  42. ^ "President Zachary Taylor and the Laboratory: Presidential Visit from the Grave" from Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  43. ^ President Harding's 1923 Visit to Utah by W. Paul Reeve History Blazer July 1995
  44. ^ "Harding a Farm Boy Who Rose by Work". New York Times. Retrieved 2007-07-21. "Nominated for the Presidency as a compromise candidate and elected by a tremendous majority because of a reaction against the policies of his predecessor, Warren Gamaliel Harding, twenty-ninth President of the United States, owed his political elevation largely to his engaging personal traits, his ability to work in harmony with the leaders of his party and the fact that he typified in himself the average prosperous American citizen."